is not only a social media site but a communications and marketing tool for
business, company or brand on the web today. Usingtwitter features for business will help if one uses
third party twitter business tools that range from applications to websites for
one’s company or brand’s success on social media.
5) Enhancement
post categories Twitter Tools for
Business into web based social media management dashboards, desktop based
twitter client tools, social media search engines and directories , analytics,
mail and enhancement as explained in detail below;
1) Web Based Social Media Management
a) Hootsuite
A web
based twitter client tool and social media content management system for
individuals, brands and companies. It supports different social networks for
free that include, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and
Wordpress. Beyond five user accounts one has to pay. It has an RSS integration,
analytics and location of twitterers and social media software used. It allows
creation and addition of team members to manage specific twitter accounts for a
reasonable fee.
known as CoTweet. A web based social media engagement, management and
reporting tool that tracks and analyses brands and companies’ performance on
the most popular and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
c) Seesmic
It is a
social media communications and marketing suite consisting if web, mobile and
desktop applications that allows signed up users to simultaneously manage user
accounts for multiple social networks such as Facebook, Twitter among others.
It allows scheduling of tweets and posts.
Alternative: Gremln
2) Desktop Based Twitter client tools
a) Tweetdeck
Is a
desktop social media management application and dashboard for Facebook and
Twitter accounts. It allows signed up users to send, receive, search tweets and
view profiles. According to wikipedia Tweetdeck changed form an adobe air application
to a native Windows and Mac OS X application.
b) Statuzer
desktop twitter multimedia client powered by adobe air. It supports alot of
multimedia by playing MP3 from and and it has twitpic
integration for one's webcam
3) Search Engines and Directories
a) Hoosaid
search engine for social networks that returns people instead of pages for
given a search query i.e. pagerank for the people. You can find Gurus on any
thing like marketing, social media, Tech etc and one can discover top tweetors
in your domain or niche industry and twitterers from your country plus what
they always tweet about.
b) Topsy
social media search engine that returns results of published content on twitter
and other web platforms that has been sorted by relevance or date.
allows one to compare 3 queries that consist of any keywords like Social Media,
Social Media Marketing, Internet
Marketing Company etc, domains and user accounts or twitter handles.
Results searched are about 3 minutes late so one can get the latest information
and content.
c) Wefollow
Twitter directory to look out for the most popular and followed twitterers by
category. You can also search for new competent people in your area code. Users
in each category are organized by the number of followers they have.
To join
wefollow reply or mention or tweet @wefollow
plus the # (hash) tags of the categories you want to be listed i.e. @wefollow
#socialmedia #Tech #internetmarketingcompany
#entrepreneurship etc.
d) Twellow
referred to as Twitter yellow pages. It is a social public twitter directory
that categorizes twitterers by their profile information. Categories may
include business and financial services, ICT, among others to fit in one’s
search activity.
Alternative: Twibs
4) Analytics Twitter tools
Twitter analytics tool that automatically tacks and follows your tweet habits
and behaviors (Trends) including frequency and timing. One uses this tool to
see theirs followers and tweet trends up to 3 months old for free and beyond
that one has to pay. It also provides 3 graphs for different twitterers.
c) TweetStats
tool that plots tweet timeline, followers and retweets. Analyses which social
media software has been used and commonly used words in your tweets. Graphs
tweets per hour, tweets per month and your tweet timeline, the specific time
you tweeted most in a day and who replied you the most.
d) Twitt(url)ly
time service for tracking and ranking urls people are talking about on Twitter
based on popularity and freshness and displays them inform of news like
5) Enhancement
a) Twilert
Twitter application tool that enables one to receive regular email alerts and
notifications of tweets about a brand, products, a service of any keyword of
your choice.
Alternative: Tweet beep
service that allows one to submit links, tweets and posts on twitter, facebook
and other social networks simultaneously rather than logging into different
social media sites from time to time.
Alternative: Hellotxt
c) Group Tweet
A real
time tweeting service that allows employers and employees in an organization to broadcast private messages inform of
tweets, direct messages (DM), replies with in themselves or a designated group
rather than telling the whole world
Alternative: Bird Herd
d) Twit Longer
A handy
tool for twitterers who cannot bear with the 140 characters provided by
Twitter. One has to log in with his /her twitter credentials to post or tweet with
more than 140 characters in twitter.
Alternative: Long-Tweets
All are
url shortening services that will help you create more space for limited
character space provided by twitter when social bookmarking or link posting. has anltyics capability where one can see who looked at his/her link,
who clicked on it and which of your links has gone viral.
6) (E) Mail
a) Twitter Mail
This is
another one from twitter counter that helps one to update his or her twitter
account in form of posting tweets and replying them via web based email service
like gmail, hotmail, yahoomail etc.
b) Out Twit
A handy
organization tool that helps one to manage, update, and overseer either his,
her or company account from Microsoft outlook. It organizes and groups tweets
and one’s twitter searches in outlook folders.
Alternative: Twinbox
It is
believed that twitter has become one of the most powerful marketing and
communications tool for brands, companies and businesses. This can be
effectively achieved if one uses Twitter and some of the third party tools that
are mentioned above.
it for now, feel free to Add-on, comment and criticize where possible. Thank