6 Reasons why Niche Marketing is Important

Has one ever wondered why it is important to market specific products to a certain niche rather than the entire mass market to everyone. If you do not know where to start from with niche marketing check out my post on Niche Marketing Theory   Niche marketing has proven to be an important and determinant factor for people business’ success in the 6 fully described reasons;

1)    Easier to Locate a Target Audience
With niche marketing, you are able to develop products and services for a certain group. Once you discover a niche, one knows where exactly to market and to whom you are going to sell the product. Like a bed manufacturer when he decides to make infants’ beds in shapes of cars, trucks, tractors. The bed manufacturer will know his target audiences which are infants not adults.

2)   Cost Effectiveness and Cheaper
Niche marketing reduces the burden and cost of marketing to everyone since the entire is carried out to a certain group of people. A new niche market may have a smaller volume of monthly searches for secondary long tailored keywords. These keywords prove to be cheaper in terms of running PPC ad campaigns and will appeal to almost every consumer in that niche hence high conversion rate.
3)   Concentration and Focus on the Niche Market and Audience
From the definition of Niche Market, we see that there is focus on a certain product aimed to satisfy a group of people. Niche markets help you to focus on a certain group of people given their problem than everyone. This helps in developing more meaningful products and product features for consumers like you are targeting. Like the bed manufacturer for toddlers in different shapes.

4)   Solves the Problem by Providing the Answer, Defines the Need and Supplies the Demand
Niche marketer will have to discover the need or want of certain consumer group and provides the answers in form of products and services. Like a photographer who takes snaps and wants to share them instantly on social media rather than putting them on a computer then upload them on the internet. Here a camera manufacturer like Samsung has developed a smart camera where photos are taken and shared on the go on social media and other web platforms.

5)   Feasible Marketing Plans and Budgets
With this type of marketing, the marketing plan drawn becomes workable since the campaigns in terms of ads and Pay Per Click is cheaper due to lower audience. Once you decide to run a marketing campaign for a certain niche, it will be feasible since the target consumer group is small and all in that group may turn to be receptive to one’s product or service.

6)   Becoming an Expert hence Expertise
Niche marketing can help you become a guru in a certain niche since people will run to you for answers, solutions in various aspects. When you discover a niche you will find more sub niches hence increase in expertise of a certain niche.

Niche Marketing has proved its importance by the way it concentrates in a narrower consumer group for profit maximization and niche exploitation. That’s it for now, feel free to Add-on, comment and criticize where possible. Thank You.


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